Sunday, March 2, 2008

Why the title?

I suppose it's only fitting that I begin by explaining the reason why my blog is titled "Unfinished Landscape." There are a couple of reasons. First - and most obvious - I have a landscape painting that is currently unfinished. (Brilliant, I know.) When I was thinking of what to name this blog, I wanted to choose something that reflected the fact that I feel like I am a work in progress. So why a landscape, in particular? At first, landscape stuck in my head, and I thought the title of the blog sounded kind of cool - a little mysterious. Then I thought of reasons why landscape should be the particular unfinished thing. Which lead me to thinking about what landscapes are like.

There are many forces that exert themselves upon a landscape - weather, animals, human activity. A landscape cannot physically exert itself in any forceable way to counteract any of those forces, it must simply adapt to them. I feel as though life is often like this - there are so many changes and forces around us that we cannot control, but yet we must be subject to them, and survive past them. We cannot control the weather, or the people around us. We just have to keep rolling with the punches.

Then again, on a less depressing note, landscapes also get to soak up all the sun they want when the weather is good. So, metaphorically, it's a mixed blessing to be a landscape. And by that token, I think it's also a mixed blessing to be a human.

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